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  • Can you calculate my carbon footprint?
    If you're wondering "|Can you help me with all this carbon-y stuff?" then you're not alone in asking and you've come to the right place! CarbonNow can not only calculate your carbon footprint but can also derive your carbon emissions factor through our Carbon Audit. We start each audit with a 30-minute discovery call. We'll ask you to explain your business activities and get an overview and feel for your energy usage. Next, we will send you a customised document to record your carbon data from a specific time frame (usually your financial year end) to include travel, transportation, waste, light and energy costs. Lastly, we'll calculate your carbon emissions factor and benchmark you against your industry or similar-sized organisations. Along with your report, you'll receive some presonalised recommendations on how to reduce your carbon emissions and how to save energy. Get in touch to arrange a call. Drop us an email on
  • What is a Carbon Audit?
    Our Carbon Audit is a written calculation and evaluation of your organisation's energy, waste and fuel usage and cost. We follow the Greenhouse Gas Protocol to determine your emissions factor and identify your overall carbon footprint. We provide you with additional tools and tips to ultimately lower your carbon footprint. Get in touch to arrange a call. Drop us an email on
  • Why is a Carbon Audit important?
    Determining your carbon footprint (carbon emissions factor) through a Carbon Audit has never been easier, and with soaring energy bills and the cost of living crisis looming, it's a good time to commission one, too. If you're not optimising all parts of your organisation then you are effectively burning money. Many environmentally friendly practices also act as cost-saving measures by reducing your carbon emissions - whether that's stopping printing your emails, or making sure you turn machinery and lights off at the end of the work day. A Carbon Audit is essential to identifying the sources within your organisation that produce harmful CO2 emissions and putting in place the measures needed to reduce them. Adapting our workplaces and thinking more about our personal actions can have a big impact on global warming and in reducing or limiting greenhouse gas emissions. Lowering your energy use is good for the environment and humanity but it's also good for your wallet! Get in touch to arrange a call. Drop us an email on
  • What are carbon emissions factors?
    Simply put, a carbon emission factor represents the rate at which a source (for example, a building) emits a specific gas per unit of activity - eg "grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour". While organisations can of course calculate these carbon emissions factors themselves it can be incredibly complicated and time-consuming to do so. A CarbonNow Audit allows organisations to input their data into our tailored data collection sheet (using information easily obtained from utility and fuel bills) and uses that data to calculate their emissions factor. Calculating and measuring your carbon emissions is the first step to effectively reducing them. An audit makes it possible to see where your organisation has the greatest environmental impact and where the most significant reduction opportunities lie.
  • I know my carbon footprint, can you help with a Reduction Plan?
    The short answer is Yes! As part of our offering we provide three main services: - The Carbon Audit - The Reduction Plan - The Sustainability Statement Get in touch to arrange a call. Drop us an email on
  • What is carbon offsetting?
    Carbon offsetting is the act of compensating for the carbon emissions (CO2) which arise from your organisation's daily activities such as burning fuel through travel or transportation, energy use such as electricity and heating, and the production of waste. Offsetting is achieved by purchasing carbon credits through a broker which are in turn used to finance carbon reduction and climate projects around the globe. These projects might be large tree planting (deforestation) schemes, the creation of renewable energy (wind farms), or carbon sequestration (removing carbon from the air and storing it where it is unlikely to be released eg in soil, swamps etc). In order to Carbon Offset, you must first measure your carbon emissions. CarbonNow can help you take the first step with our Carbon Audit. Get in touch to arrange a call. Drop us an email on
  • Help! I need a Sustainability Statement for my website!
    If you have had a Carbon Audit, know your Emissions Factor (your carbon footprint) and are making steps to reduce your carbon footprint using one of our Reduction Plans, then you can also commission a Sustainability Statement (also known as a Sustainability Policy) to display on your website and include in any bidding or tendering. The Sustainability Statement shows your commitment to streamlining your business processes, creating less waste and using less energy. Additionally, it creates a better reputation with your environmentally conscious customers which in turn improves your standing with the key stakeholders in your business. A Sustainability Statement sets you apart from your competitors. Get in touch to arrange a call. Drop us an email on
  • What's the difference between Carbon Neutral and Net Zero?
    Great question! Carbon Neutral refers to balancing out or cancelling your carbon emissions - bringing them back down to zero or "neutral" by taking measures to reduce or offset. Net Zero or Zero Carbon goes beyond this, by comparison, and refers to there being no carbon emissions given off at all and so there's no need for carbon offsetting.
  • How much does a Carbon Audit cost?
    Our Carbon Audit typically costs £1,250 excl VAT and is aimed at small businesses with fewer than 9 employees. The Reduction Plan + Sustainability Statement together are an additional £1,250 excl VAT for the same sized businesses. If your business has more than 9 employees or more than one location or if you have already measured your carbon emissions with a Carbon Audit and would prefer to only purchase the Reduction Plan + Sustainability Statement, then do get in touch for a bespoke price. Drop us an email on

Contact us

CarbonNow is a trading style of:

RfM Business Consulting Limited

120 - 124 Towngate, Leyland, Lancashire, England, PR25 2LQ




CarbonNow is a UK-based, online carbon audit service with the goal of helping businesses understand and reduce their carbon footprint at an affordable price. To help lessen our own carbon impact, all of our services are provided 100% remotely. We follow the Greenhouse Gas Protocols which provide standards and tools that help countries and cities track progress toward climate goals.

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